Jumaat, 19 September 2014

Mickey He - Hall of Jiao Fang (Beauty's Rival In The Palace OST)

ha, klu kengkawan ingat, semalam sy tercari2 terjemahan lirik ni. dan fortunately, sorang kwn sy dr Lang-8 dh tulun sy walopown dier kater English dier x seberapa, xie xie wo de hao pengyou ^_~ sy ader wat beberapa amendments berdasarkn pengetahuan sy yg se"coit" selama 3 semester kt UiTM dolu hehe. to those who share the same, ENJOY!!!

最初的那一眼 最纏綿
zuìchū dì nà yīyǎn zuì chánmián
the first glance was lingering

擦肩而過的 豈止是誓言
cā jiān érguò de qǐzhǐ shì shìyán
brushed against me more than just a vow

wēnróu de tiē tàngzhe wǒ de liǎn
tenderly caressing my face

wàngjìle suǒyǒu de shíjiān
i forgot the time that was passing

昨夜的夢裡面 太繾綣
zuóyè de mèng lǐmiàn tài qiǎnquǎn
it was too tempting last night

黃花飄落的 豈止是衣邊
huánghuā piāoluò de qǐzhǐ shì yī biān
the chrysanthemum fall not just onto my clothes

jiūchán zài yīqǐ bùxiǎng chéng xiān
i'm too tangled up to become immortal

zuì'ài de rén bùzài shēnbiān
my beloved isn't beside me

椒房殿 長門怨
jiāo fáng diàn zhǎngmén yuàn
there’s always a grunge in the Hall of Jiao Fang

luòhuā chuī mǎn tiān
the fallen flowers are floating in the sky

寂寞的春蠶 苦作繭
jìmò de chūn cán kǔ zuò jiǎn
a lonely silkworm makes it's cocoon bitterly

歲歲又年年 太眷戀太瘋顛
suì suì yòu nián nián tài juànliàn tài fēng diān
year after year the yearning and insane grow deeper

扯不斷的線 殘破的書記不下 
chě bùduàn de xiàn cánpò dì shūjì bùxià yīgè gè hóngyán
complicated relationship can't be inscribed in a half-written book miss that beautiful girl

** to sis aina, this is for you. i will do correction later if any. LAYAN, ok?? hehe

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