Isnin, 4 Februari 2013

Hafiz - Awan Nano

Lihat ke arah sana serakan warna dan berarakan awan
Pabila terik panas segera hadirnya memayungi diri
Pabila kau dahaga sesegera turun hujan melimpahkan kasihnya
Pabila kau katakan akulah awan itu yang kau mahu

Begitulah awan nano setia melindungi diri
Tika panas mencuba menggores pipi dan bibirmu
Begitulah awan nano sering saja tak terduga hadir
Dan tak akan tercapai jejarimu

Kasihnya kasih tiada banding
Setia tiada tara
Bagaimanapun jua

Awan kekasih sebenarmu sayang
Walaupun tak akan tercapai jejarimu

Lihat diriku ini yang sesekali pernah kau bagaikan awan
Sehingga tak mungkin terlupa berikan belas sedari dulu
Sehingga tak mungkin termampu saksi setitis pun air matamu kasihku
Sehingga kau katakan akulah awan itu yang kau rindu

Akulah awanmu yang sedia melindungi dirimu
Tika panas mencuba menggores pipi dan bibirmu
Akulah awanmu yang sering kau rindu
Dan tak terduga hadirku
Walau tak tercapai jejarimu

Kasihku kasih tiada banding
Setia tiada tara
Bagaimanapun jua

Aku pelindung dirimu sayang
Walaupun tak akan tercapai jejarimu

Terjemah Bahasa Inggeris oleh Yuni

Look over there, the scaterring colors of floating clouds
When the heat intense, instantly it comes to shade me
When you're thirsty, instantly the rain falls pouring it's love
When you say, i'm the cloud that you want

That's how the nano cloud, devotedly protects me
When the heat tries to scratch my cheek and lips
That's how the nano cloud, always come just unexpectedly
And can't be reached by my fingers

His love is incomparable love
With a matchless devotion
No matter how

My love, i'm your true cloud's lover
Eventhough i can't be reached by your fingers

Look at me, whom sometimes you deemed as a cloud
That you would never forget of giving affection since before
That i could never see even a single drop of your tears, my love
That you say, i'm the cloud that you're longing for

I'm your cloud, whom always protect you
When the heat tries to scratch your cheek and lips
I'm your cloud, whom you always longing for
And i come unexpectedly
Eventhough i can't be reached by your fingers

My love is incomparable love
With a matchless devotion
No matter how

My love, i'm your guardian
Eventhough i can't be reached by your fingers

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